P51 - you need to mow the grass.
One of the many great insights my parents have given me about the time/place my layout occurs in is that nobody mowed lawns until much later than the WW2 era. No motorized mowers up in those hills back then and the yards were awfully large. Maybe a push mower with the manual blades for right up next to a house, but animals would graze yards to keep the weeds in check, or they'd just be left to grow.
With WW2 in full swing on my layout, there's not enough people or time to keep grass cut (nor other niceties like that). Besides, high grass is something you just don't see much on layouts but all the time in real life!
I Agree, well said! Side note, did you get some sleep last night?
Yeah, I did, at least a little bit. I'm prone to snoring, so I slept in the guest room last night, so my wife could get some sleep as well. And I kept waking up like I usually do when I'm in a different bed, but I know I slept between those times. Compared to the nights before, I was out like a light. I didn't wake up all amped up like I what did previous mornings, too.
I went to the doctor today to address my sinus issues, and they did a blood pressure test and said I had high blood pressure and had to go on medication right now. They wouldn't except that the steroids were almost certainly raising my blood pressure, as I quit taking them just yesterday, and my blood pressure or was fine on Sunday the last time it was taken, as were almost every other time was been taken. But you know how it is with some of these medical people, they want to get you pills right then.