At the April 2016 York TCA Meet, representatives from the "Big Four" manufacturers (Atlas, Bachmann, Lionel and MTH) met with representatives from the TCA National and the Eastern Division to express their concerns about the York TCA Meet. Subsequent to those meetings, several other manufacturers shared similar concerns. We added our voice to the chorus of those wanting to see changes at York to open the Orange Hall to the public on Saturday.
Today I received a letter from Wayne S. Sheriff, National President of the TCA. This letter was mailed to the officers of the National and the Easter Division. It was copied to the Big Four manufacturers and to OGR Publishing, Inc.
With Wayne's permission, I want to share a few lines from his letter.
"...Following those meetings at York, TCA National received additional correspondence from various manufacturers clarifying their positions. In TCA National’s opinion, the meetings opened up a good dialogue between the Eastern Division, TCA National, and the manufacturers that should continue. TCA National, after receiving input from all parties, firmly believes that this current situation has ramifications to all involved reaching beyond the Eastern Division York Meets..."
"...The Executive Committee recognizes that Eastern Division needs to pursue the necessary approvals from the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue sooner rather than later. This is based on the expectations of the manufacturers and others about opening up the dealers’ halls to the public in October. We recognize that the manufacturers have limited marketing budgets and must spend based on return on investment. Manufacturers must focus their attention on shows with high attendance and/or public exposure..."
"...TCA National feels so strongly about this that the Executive Committee is willing to provide any resources at our disposal at the National level to support the expeditious movement to obtain a positive ruling from the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue. We would be willing to assist you in any way by contacting local and state representatives, tax lawyers, county officials, York City officials or anyone else that may have the ability to make the changes quickly..."
"...We all have the common goal of insuring that the hobby continues. To that end, we encourage you to take all steps necessary to expedite the actions necessary to open the dealers’ halls to the public. This needs to be a win for Eastern Division, a win for the Manufacturers, and a win for TCA National..."
Clearly the TCA National is solidly behind the effort to change and improve the York TCA Meet. We applaud their efforts and encourage the Eastern Division of the TCA to follow through with their recommendations.
OGR Publishing is prepared to help the Eastern Division promote the event to the public in order to reach the broadest possible public audience. We will bring our on-line experience and resources to bear and stand ready to help the Eastern Division make this momentous change.
A final thought...
Some of you are going to have a strongly negative reaction to this news. Please try to control your emotions when you respond to this thread. Keep it civil and on topic, please.