All the talk going on now about UP's Big Boys, due to the real 4014 restoration and the highly anticipated Lionel new offering, made me wonder what curvature was required by the real, 1:1 Big Boys.
One website, here, stated that the Big Boys required a curvature of no sharper than 20°. This would be a curve with a radius of approximately (5730/20 =) 286.5 feet, or (286*12/48*2) 71.25" in 1:48 scale, or a diameter of about 12 feet. To me this seems too sharp of a curve. I have 9-foot diameter curves on my layout, and while my MTH Big Boy runs fine on them, it still protrudes noticeably more than show on videos I have seen of the real Big Boy.
I believe that 1:1 railroad main line curves are no sharper than 6°, and IIRC, modern diesel locomotives run on curves no sharper than 20° to 25°, but I may be wrong.
Does anyone know what the 1:1 Big Boy required, curve-wise? (I strongly suspect that several of our friends here know . . .)