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That is true, but one never knows when one will want to use the remote, and it should be same version as the TIU.  If for some reason the tablet/smartphone disconnects from the wifi, it's nice to have a remote handy.  Do be aware that the red E-stop button on the wifi system myst be pressed for a second or so, unlike the remote's.

You're welcome.  Glad to have been of help, Dude.

GManning35 posted:
Tom Schlotterbeck posted:

I  know I am late for this question but I have a problem with the accessories & switches

I have imported the remote file (twice) and all the switches & accessories are listed but not highlighted

which means I can't select any to operate - what do I need to do to fix?

thank you in advance for your help in this matter


  The only time refresh didn't  work for me is when a pop up window told me that I needed to purchase the premium app even after I thought I did. I'm going to assume that isn't your issue but have to ask if you are able to access everything from you remote. Obviously if you can't that has to get fixed first. Most likely that isn't the issue either but just the same I thought I would mention those things. 

  Lets say all at the remote is working well and you know you have the premium app. Can you add a switch in the app? That will tell you if it sees both your tiu and aiu. The reason I ask is I've had a lot of issues with my Android and this app doing what I expect however now that I have an ipad all has bee very good and I don't know what your using.

  I hope this helps or at least gives you some ideas.

well now I have all the switches & accessories programmed in the tablet and is working well

I noticed that the remote and the tablet do not update each other

Is this the way it is supposed to be?

I have a question on where are the TIU settings kept. Do they reside in the TIU or the handheld remote/smart phone?

The reason I am asking, is when I was setting up the TIU options on my first smart device when I was using the WI-FI app, I set the TIU options for Super TIU, all channels in fixed mode.  I noticed that when other smart phone is added, the added smart phone does not reflect the updated TIU settings and I need to add "super TIU & all fixed channel" in all additional smart devices being added.

Not sure if there is a bug where the smart device is not reading the TIU correctly or all the TIU options are stored in the individual handheld device.


 Bob D

Last edited by rad400
RJR posted:

With the remote, after pressing TRK and selecting this track, does thumbwheel have any effect on the output voltage? 

Can you move the circuit over to VAR 2 and see what happens?   I'd set the wifi aside and check this out with the remote.

Changed Var to Fixed.  Remote working fine.  Will test wifi later.

I am having problems upgrading my remotes to 6.0.  I was able to upgrade my 3 TIUs no problem.  I have followed the directions but the program is seemingly not finding the TIU/remote when plugged in.  I have newer USB TIU's.  Do I need to use the plug I used when I updated the TIU?  Should the power on the remote be on or off?  He;p



Do I need to use the plug I used when I updated the TIU?  Should the power on the remote be on or off? 

It works like this:

  • Do not have the 1/8" jumper installed
  • The remote's power should be off when you start the process.
  • When told to hold the remote's power button in, click Continue and continue to hold it down until told to release it or until the update is complete. If the remote powers up at any time in the process, the update has failed.
  • You'll typically be told to hold it down, release it and then hold it in again.
  • The last time you'll be told to hold it in, you'll be holding it for about 5 minutes.
  • After the process is completed, disconnect the remote from the TIU before powering it on.
  • Power cycle the TIU before updating another remote.

DCS Book CoverThis and a whole lot more is all in “The DCS Companion 3rd Edition!"

This book is available from many fine OGR advertisers and forum sponsors, or as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!

Hi, can someone explain exactly how to add a legacy engine in the mth dcs app? Do you still need the command base attached or does it work without? I put the switch on program, apply power, add legacy engine, select tiu, name it, select address 1, and hit done right? then I shut off power to the track let engine shut down, switch back to run and restart. Legacy engine doesn't respond to the mth wifi app commands and when I refresh the app the engine is moved to inactive. Am I missing something?




In order to operate your Legacy engines in Legacy mode, with all Legacy Features, you'll need the following:

  • Legacy command base
  • Legacy SER2 module
  • Power/serial cable combination for the SER2.
  • MTH cable #50-1032.

Refer to this thread and read it all the way through.

If you are OK with operating your Legacy engines in TMCC mode, then all you need is any command base and the MTH cable. The reason for all of the extra stuff to operate Legacy engines in Legacy mode is because the Legacy command base cannot accept Legacy commands directly into its serial port.

enginEErjon posted:

I like the ability to export the app (remote) settings to a file and email that file to others. Options also exist to use messages or other means of file sharing. It appears that you can essentially clone one remote to another without any computer involved. 

Have you done that?

How are you going to clone a remote to another remote?  Remotes are not connected to the APP.

Hello Everyone,

I was using a USB Cable to Type B USB adapter to upgrade my TIU to 6.0.   I used the same cable to successfully upgrade to 5.0 when I purchased the WIFI app.   My problem is the TIU no longer powers up.  When I first tried to upgrade the loader said it could not find my TIU.   I had the  jumper cables in place, per Barry's book,  prior to powering on the TIU.   I removed everything and attempted to power the TIU back up to see if it would still work with 5.0 since I couldn't get it to recognize the TIU for the upgrade..  Unfortunately, the red light no longer comes on.   Is it possible something could have fried the TIU?  I'm unable to run any trains at this point. 


Sorry, I said Variable but I meant Fixed one.   I use the standard non-auxiliary input used for powering a TIU.  I have MTH bricks powering all four inputs to be honest.   I've had the TIU for about a year and I've upgraded it in the past.  I left the TIU powered through these channels during the upgrade.  I wasn't sure if that would be an issue.

Barry Broskowitz posted:


1. How do you get tmcc engines out of the inactive list?

2. Why would a TMCC engine be put in the inactive list in the first place?=

Don't refresh the app unless you have to do so.

Refresh acts like a DCS Remote READ command. It sorts DCS engines into the Active and Inactive engine lists depending upon whether or not they're sitting on powered tracks. Also, just like the DCS Remote's READ command, all TMCC, Legacy and DCS lashups got to t he Inactive list.

The solution is to do the following from the Engine Roster Screen:

  • Tap Edit
  • Use the slider to the right of the TMCC or Legacy engine to move that engine up into the Active List.
  • Tap Done.
  • Tap the engine to select it.
  • Go back to the Engine Control Screen and operate the engine.


3. Why do you need to select the TIU each time you add a tmcc engine?

For the same reason you need to do it every time that you add a TMCC engine to the DCS Remote. DCS needs to know o which TIU the command base is connected.

This is all in The DCS WiFi Companion, coming soon!  

Barry, is the DCS WiFi companion something you did on your own, or is it sponsored by MTH.  The downloaded DCS WiFi manual is incomplete, in my opinion, and I wonder why we are expected to pay for a complete manual such as yours.  If you did it on your own, kudos to you for the effort!



is the DCS WiFi companion something you did on your own, or is it sponsored by MTH.

I am the sole author of the book.

MTH is the distributor of The DCS Wifi Companion's eBook version, which is the only version available at present, as well the distributor for my first book, The DCS Companion, now in its 3rd edition.

MTH also provides the services of an outstanding graphic artist who assists me with the book's composition, formatting and appearance. Other contributors are my daughter, Stacey MacMillan, who is an excellent proofreader (and also a published writer herself), and fellow DCS beta testers Marty Fitzhenry and Jim Osborne, who provided a technical review of the book.

The downloaded DCS WiFi manual is incomplete, in my opinion,

The original documentation that MTH provides is adequate for learning and using DCS via the DCS Remote, and the documentation available for the WiFi system's WIU hardware is all that's necessary to install and configure the WIU.

Documentation for the DCS App is pretty much on a par with what's available for most smart phone and tablet apps of a similar price point. If you were to compare the DCS App's documentation to the available documentation for the competition's WiFi app, you would find that this is the case.

and I wonder why we are expected to pay for a complete manual such as yours.

You are under no obligation to purchase any other documentation, authored by myself or anyone else, to use the DCS Application, or for that matter, DCS via the remote. However, consider my books to be a method whereby one can go beyond what's normally documented in order to have the best DCS experience possible.

Further, if you were to add together the cost of the DCS Application's Premium version ($24.95) and the cost of The DCS WiFi Companion eBook ($13.95), the total of $38.90 is less than the cost of the competitor's WiFi app alone, which is $49.95.

The decision regarding whether or not to purchase either of my books is a personal one, not something that one has to do.

Last edited by Barry Broskowitz
Barry Broskowitz posted:

The devices that were used successfully include iPhone 7, iPhone 6, iPad Mini 2, and iPad Mini 4.

We've operated both in Normal and Super TIU modes. WiFi connections were both in MTH and Home modes.

Hi Barry,

We have setup our Club`s layout with 4 WIUs+TIUs in HOME mode + SUPER TIU mode.

Unless I missed it, I did not find in your new WiFi book anything saying that we can or can`t operate many WIUs, all of them being in HOME mode.

Could you confirm that a multiple "WIUs" setup in HOME mode is OK ?

Note: So far, everything seems to be working fine with that configuration, with the exception of the "All Engines" operation not the passing the DCS commands on TIU #2,3,4. (passing the DCS commands on TIU 1 only)



Barry Broskowitz posted:


Could you confirm that a multiple "WIUs" setup in HOME mode is OK ?

Yes, one can connect multiple WIUs in Home network mode.

Is there a known issue with the "All Engines Operation" when using multiple WIUs ? (ALL of our 4 WIUs are in HOME mode in our case) 

The problem: With the IOS Premium APP, when using the "All Engines Operation", we are losing control on the engines as soon as they leave the WIU-TIU section of the layout from where the "All Engines Operation" was first initiated.

Our setup: (pictures are attached)

We have 4 WIUs on our layout and ALL of them are in in HOME mode. 

All 4 WIU are at firmware 1.1

All 4 TIU are at DCS 6.0 and are properly numbered 1-2-3-4 and are properly set to "Super TIU"

IOS Premium APP is at v2.0.0

iPhone 7 (A1778) with IOS 10.3.2





Images (16)
  • File 2017-05-23, 11 20 11 PM
  • File 2017-05-23, 11 20 00 PM
  • File 2017-05-23, 11 19 50 PM
  • File 2017-05-23, 11 19 41 PM
  • File 2017-05-23, 11 19 29 PM
  • File 2017-05-23, 11 19 21 PM
  • File 2017-05-23, 11 19 13 PM
  • File 2017-05-23, 11 18 58 PM
  • File 2017-05-23, 11 18 45 PM
  • File 2017-05-23, 11 18 28 PM
  • File 2017-05-23, 11 18 05 PM
  • WIU 1 Firmware
  • WIU 2 Firmware
  • WIU 3 Firmware
  • WIU 4 Firmware
  • File 2017-05-24, 7 31 33 AM
Last edited by Daniel Auger

I am unable to operate in a Lashup with Dcs wifi. I'm trying to Lashup two identical proto 3 diesels. I am able to operate each engine independently with the WiFi premium app, and I am able to build the Lashup, but I can't power up, power down, or run the Lashup. The engines just sit on the track. 

I am able to run the same Lashup fine with the dcs remote.

I have tried both the home and mth WiFi options with the same result. 

I have two blocks running off of fixed one and fixed 2. Signal strength is 10 throughout layout. 

All functions on WiFi app seem to work with exception of Lashup. 

Any thoughts? 

Adam Fischer 


I am able to operate each engine independently with the WiFi premium app, and I am able to build the Lashup, but I can't power up, power down, or run the Lashup. The engines just sit on the track. 

if you can describe exactly what you're doing and exactly what responses you're getting, we can try to see where is the problem.

I can attest that, during and since beta test, I and the other beta testers found that, aside from minor stuff that was either fixed prior to app release or that will be fixed in first app update, lashups work just fine.

Sorry for the fire drill everybody.  In my zeal to get the wifi module and app "up and running", I neglected to upload the DCS 6.0 software.  I was running 5.0, which I thought was sufficient.  Next time I will spend more time reading before rushing to install.  

NOTE: 6.0 is required for Lash-Ups, and probably other features as well.

Thank you to Barry who was instrumental in troubleshooting.  I wouldn't have figured this out, as my brain was already way past walking it back to square one.  Thanks again for the help.  I'm up and running.....although when running in lash-up the screen that controls the voice commands, coupler slack sounds, crossing horn etc. is blank.  I have literally been running successfully for 10 mins though, so I think i will spend some time with it before I cry wolf again.  Stay tuned.........




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