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Originally Posted by bigdodgetrain:
Originally Posted by Laidoffsick:
I knew you were there BigDodgeTrain, I just didnt know who you were. You shoulda said something to me. I'll be down at the club in SD next Thurs and Fri to run trains. If you're gonna be there, introduce yourself please

oh I wasn't in Pomona, I'm watching it on line.


are you staying for the meeting thurs the 21st evening? I will be there then. might show up early. I'm one of the few that are doing some remodel work.

Ahhh OK, yeah I'll probably run trains, go eat, and then back for the meeting since I'm the newest member and have yet to attend a meeting.

Originally Posted by Hot Water:
Originally Posted by cbojanower:
Originally Posted by Dominic Mazoch:

Meanwhile, 3985 is waiting for her 15 year inspection.....

Meh the 3985 is yesterdays news, the Big Boy has more all around awesomeness

It may be "yesterdays news" to YOU, but to some of us, not to mention hundreds of thousands of fans world wide, the loss of UP 3985 will NOT be forgotten.

LET HIM HAVE IT!!! 3985 is a NATIONAL TREASURE as much as 4014.

Originally Posted by Dominic Mazoch: 

Nwer challenge:  What is going to happen to the BB if they cannot successfully convert her to oil burning?

The Challenger was "successfully" converted to oil burning, so how difficult could it be to convert the 4014?  The UP Historical society have all the drawings for how the 4005 was converted to oil burning.

Originally Posted by Dominic Mazoch:

Anyway, I just got this "gut feeling" that when they get the BB into the shops, they are going to find something that is going to be to be repaired or modified which was not planned for.  This will take either extra time and/or money to fix.   One cannot just go to s and get steam loco parts.  

I would plan on there being surprises, I would be surprised if there weren't any.

Originally Posted by Hot Water:
Originally Posted by superwarp1:

 How long do you think it will take to hope across the parking lot?  One, two weeks?

So why is "hope" involved?  I don't think the UP folks will simply "hope" it makes it across the parking lot.

I'm sure he meant "hop"


I'm sure that once it's converted to oil there will be no problems, as the UP seems to always send a diesel out with the steam engines to help with DB and fuel mileage.


 Not to mention the UP passenger set is only about 15 or so cars, plus a couple canteens.. probably what, 2000 tons or less?

Originally Posted by steam fan: 

I'm sure that once it's converted to oil there will be no problems, as the UP seems to always send a diesel out with the steam engines to help with DB and fuel mileage.


 Not to mention the UP passenger set is only about 15 or so cars, plus a couple canteens.. probably what, 2000 tons or less?

Actually it is a bit more difficult to fire the big machines, i.e. 3985, when they are NOT worked sufficiently hard enough to maintain a good exhaust with a resulting draft for the fire. Prior to 2011, many UP executive train sets behind either 844 or 3985 exceeded 15 passenger cars. The Denver Post Cheyenne Frontier Days Special has historically been over 20 plus cars, which makes the 844 AND MUed the DDA40X work to full throttle capacity in order to maintain the track speed and tight schedule. 

I noticed in the LA Times report they mentioned that the Big Boy is going to be pulled by the diesel numbered 4014 (I still think they should use the Heritage locos)



In the past  the UP renumbered the 844 to the 8444 to avoid the diesel that used the same number, are they going to have a problem these days having two engines with the same cab number?

Originally Posted by Hot Water:
Originally Posted by cbojanower: 

In the past  the UP renumbered the 844 to the 8444 to avoid the diesel that used the same number, are they going to have a problem these days having two engines with the same cab number?

Not for at least four more years. At that time, I would suspect that the diesel #4014 will be renumbered.

Based on seniority, the Big Boy will have no problem pulling rank.

Originally Posted by Hot Water:
Originally Posted by AmbBob:

Sorry if this has been asked/answered, I am under the impression it being towed tender first, will it be turned before it heads east on the mainline out of Colton?

Most likely, if it doesn't wind up being turned in the process of getting to Colton Diesel Shop. 

If you look at the area on Google maps, there is room for them to curve to the west as they meet the Metrolink tracks. This would leave 4014 facing east (forward) toward Colton.


It is the worlds largest snail. But in UP's defense, they have to be meticulous in shimming the panel track across the uneven parking lot.

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