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The 1948 Broadway limited is up for reservation on the GGD websight now. This ACF 10-6 sleeper is in the consist. Email Scott to see if we can get add on 10-6’s in the schemes you mentioned. L&N and N&W are two more roads that could possibly be added.

The PRR operated 10-6 sleepers from 3 builders (Budd, ACF, Pullman Standard).  The 10-6 sleeper in my old Golden Gate Depot Broadway train is a model of a of one built by Pullman Standard (no rivets).  Do we know if the 10-6 sleeper in GGD's rerun of the 1948 Broadway Limited cars will be of Pullman Standard or ACF design?

Last edited by Keystoned Ed
@TrainBub posted:

I was not looking for 3rd Rail Brass Models. I get it that they’ve gotten Very expensive as I’ve bought / stretched for 3 recent 3/4 domes. I’ve also managed a few others in the secondary market - decent prices. I don’t think there’s a market/ stomach for $1K heavyweights.    
I’m looking / hoping for Scott to return to the plastic heavyweight market sometime in the future. His models are good and some new models would be nice and I think We’ll Received.
I Understand the details he has to work out too.  

Like I said Scott does not believe there is sufficient market for O Scale Plastic heavyweights that would price out at $400-500 each.  It's why he doesn't do any freight cars that would be $300-400 each.  His market share is consistently just too small.  His announced '38 '40 20th Century cars will be about double the price of the Lionel cars because of the additional accuracy and that he will sell about a third of what Lionel sells even as they are.

The Sunset Limited was done back around 2016?? My memory is fuzzy on that one.  The Budd extrusion is the same as the Congressional. 

Selfishly, I'd like to see some of the cars in Amtrak Phase III as that train has the correct baggage-dorm and lounge for my Amtrak Broadway Limited.  An extra 10-6 wouldn't hurt either although I probably don't need it.

@GG1 4877 posted:

The Sunset Limited was done back around 2016?? My memory is fuzzy on that one.  The Budd extrusion is the same as the Congressional.

Selfishly, I'd like to see some of the cars in Amtrak Phase III as that train has the correct baggage-dorm and lounge for my Amtrak Broadway Limited.  An extra 10-6 wouldn't hurt either although I probably don't need it.

Amtrak phase 3 indeed!    Yes please!!!

@GG1 4877 posted:

The Sunset Limited was done back around 2016?? My memory is fuzzy on that one.  The Budd extrusion is the same as the Congressional.

Selfishly, I'd like to see some of the cars in Amtrak Phase III as that train has the correct baggage-dorm and lounge for my Amtrak Broadway Limited.  An extra 10-6 wouldn't hurt either although I probably don't need it.

The Sunset, Congressional, '37 Super Chief and Canadian were done with the same extrusion.  I don't believe Scott still has access to that extrusion and that is a good thing to me.  It is the original K-Line extrusion and it is noticeably oversize so it will will not match any cars done with any other extrusions.

@GG1 4877 posted:

The only thing that would make those cars look better is getting rid of those ugly orange boxes

These have the right color after all.  Don't want anyone getting the wrong idea.

I do have a lot of boxes to get rid of. I could get rid of the items in the box if this wonderful and accurate company out west would make more modern freight cars.

@vash44 posted:

I do have a lot of boxes to get rid of. I could get rid of the items in the box if this wonderful and accurate company out west would make more modern freight cars.

Trust me, I have my share of orange box cars too in freight and passenger configurations.  Some of the freight cars are good enough to even 2 rail.  I did that with their N5B PRR cabin and plan to with the string of milk reefers I've acquired. 

I'm not sure we will see many freight cars from Scott.  It's a hard market for anything newly tooled in plastic that isn't a locomotive these days.  Who knows though?  It could change.

Question for the group: I unboxed my T&P set earlier and when I got to the grill car it is marked M&P where the others are marked T&P (including the obs). Is this a mistake or were they M&P marked? It's not a big deal, I'm sure the cars got mixed around at some point on the real train. Just curious. Car number is M&P 481. Shot off an email to Scott as well.



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Last edited by Surefire
@Surefire posted:

Question for the group: I unboxed my T&P set earlier and when I got to the grill car it is marked M&P where the others are marked T&P (including the obs). Is this a mistake or were they M&P marked? It's not a big deal, I'm sure the cars got mixed around at some point on the real train. Just curious. Car number is M&P 481. Shot off an email to Scott as well.


Good Catch !!!  I encourage Everyone to check their cars !!!! Mix ups happen.
You should have a T&P car.  
Just curious ……..🤔 check the box end to see if it says MP or T&P. You may have a correct T&P box but MP wrongly inserted at factory. 🤔🤔🤔  
Contacting Scott was the right thing to do !!

I was busy taking "selfies" of my new cars with my cell phone this afternoon and for whatever reason, the NdeM car didn't want to focus well.  Need to get my real camera out and do some proper photos, but wow am I thrilled!

What train will this run on?   I'm clueless.  It doesn't matter, it's an awesome car!  The light color on the close up is due to the cell phone camera adjusting the f-stop by about two stops to make sure that main color comes in mid-tone gray or zone 5 for those who still remember shooting the Ansel Adams "Zone System" for black and white photography.  Yes, I just aged myself!


How did this CBQ Slumbercoach get in here.



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@GG1 4877 posted:

I was busy taking "selfies" of my new cars with my cell phone this afternoon and for whatever reason, the NdeM car didn't want to focus well.  Need to get my real camera out and do some proper photos, but wow am I thrilled!

What train will this run on?   I'm clueless.  It doesn't matter, it's an awesome car!  The light color on the close up is due to the cell phone camera adjusting the f-stop by about two stops to make sure that main color comes in mid-tone gray or zone 5 for those who still remember shooting the Ansel Adams "Zone System" for black and white photography.  Yes, I just aged myself!


How did this CBQ Slumbercoach get in here.


Looks great!  A "Dormitorio" sounds like something best served at happy hour on ice.  ;-)

Can't wait to receive mine.  Unfortunately, UPS tracking is still showing "The delivery date will be provided as soon as possible," with no update since 12/3 in CA . . .

@BlueFeather posted:

Looks great!  A "Dormitorio" sounds like something best served at happy hour on ice.  ;-)

Can't wait to receive mine.  Unfortunately, UPS tracking is still showing "The delivery date will be provided as soon as possible," with no update since 12/3 in CA . . .

I must say I have a personal investment in the "Dormitorio" car.  The graphics just weren't quite right from the factory, so I redid them myself.  I don't want to make this a negative thought about the factory as they do awesome work 95% of the time.  Every now and then they just need someone to step in a get the last 5% done.  I get it.  They don't know what the real ones were supposed to look like.

However, I will say I'm now on a quest to build an NdeM train.  Just what I need.  Another road name to follow.

Last edited by GG1 4877
@GG1 4877 posted:

I must say I have a personal investment in the "Dormitorio" car.  The graphics just weren't quite right from the factory, so I redid them myself.  I don't want to make this a negative thought about the factory as they do awesome work 95% of the time.  Every now and then they just need someone to step in a get the last 5% done.  I get it.  They don't know what the real ones were supposed to look like.

However, I will say I'm not on a quest to build an NdeM train.  Just what I need.  Another road name to follow.

That's it . . . the last 5% no one else does.  I have found that phenomenon to be true across many different industries and pursuits.   When it comes to prototypical accuracy, that kind of thinking and tuning is what makes GGD and 3rd Rail so special and different.  Thank you Jonathan (and Scott and the 3rd Rail team)!!!

@BlueFeather posted:

That's it . . . the last 5% no one else does.  I have found that phenomenon to be true across many different industries and pursuits.   When it comes to prototypical accuracy, that kind of thinking and tuning is what makes GGD and 3rd Rail so special and different.  Thank you Jonathan (and Scott and the 3rd Rail team)!!!

It's not too different from my full-time work as an architect.  The details make or break a project.  We have settled into a routine where the overseas designers do the lion's share of the work and I am able then to focus on the details.  It has worked out well.  I can't say it will always be perfect but being able to really get into the weeds on things like font serifs, font kerning, colors, and other details has proven to be much more rewarding than years past.

Totally off topic, but Superliners are in the works and with the input of Amtrak's brand manager, I am really excited for how much emphasis has been placed on accurate graphics even if it means a lot of extra hours.

Now for a full NdeM train.  I would love to see the 6-wheel trucked Budd Sleepers in NdeM as well as several of the other cars.   Maybe if there is a second run?  As an aside the last paint scheme many of these cars wore was the classic NdeM scheme with must "MEXICO" in the large lettering in the center.  So interesting and fun.

@Blue Streak posted:

Ok I got my T&P and Mopac w/ observation complete sets today. My third box of additional sleepers / Pennsylvania and the N De Mexico sleeper is still floating around at UPS. I pulled out the Observation and all I can say is terrific! The paint matches all the E6's , E8's and Pa's. The yellow stripe is better on the cars than the engines and maybe one was slightly bigger in real life. The E6 is the closest to match (yellow stripe width - I have the first run). The PA's are next followed by the E8's. E8's yellow stripe is almost non existent. Hopefully the E7's stripe will be more like the cars. But to me the cars are a home run. I can't imagine any one being disappointed, but...........

Try to get a pic up here in a little bit.


A lot of attention /time was spent on car details. Each car had multiple Well focused images for both car sides for reference. Every used car name / type car had pictures. Rivets are ALL Properly placed. Letter heights, spacing, placement, lettering size differences were delivered to the factory.  Jonathan dove into the graphics to QC/ guide to make sure properly executed. Yellow line thicknesses are accurate/correct. Their placement is proper - notice the Thin blue paint above the top yellow and below the bottom yellow.  All accurately done. It’s Scale.
Much of the above was accessed thru the Missouri Pacific Historical Society Archives.

Cheers 😉

Last edited by TrainBub
@GG1 4877 posted:

I was busy taking "selfies" of my new cars with my cell phone this afternoon and for whatever reason, the NdeM car didn't want to focus well.  Need to get my real camera out and do some proper photos, but wow am I thrilled!

What train will this run on?   I'm clueless.  It doesn't matter, it's an awesome car!  The light color on the close up is due to the cell phone camera adjusting the f-stop by about two stops to make sure that main color comes in mid-tone gray or zone 5 for those who still remember shooting the Ansel Adams "Zone System" for black and white photography.  Yes, I just aged myself!


How did this CBQ Slumbercoach get in here.


I'm adding my mine to the new Superliners as a private car (wealthy travelers from Mexico). As for NdeM, I'd like to see the "Aguila Azteca" streamlined train with the Swiss built cars. One of the most unique North American passenger trains.

@Blue Streak posted:

Surefire, What did Scott have to say? I have the same issue, I assume a factory error as car 481 was a T&P car. The T&P cars were 480 & 481. I received set #2  and would assume all who got set 2 have the same issue.

Hmmm. Definitely Looking more like the road label by the door is miss labeled.  😳   ☹️☹️☹️☹️

Last edited by TrainBub

Okay, apologies to the forum and 3rd rail. I miss spoke on my car "Grill Car 481" Yes it is a T&P car and funny enough mine is Labeled T&P. The car I have that is miss labeled is Baggage/ Dorm #301. It is labeled M.P. , but should be T&P, as it was a T&P car. In future I should not type on the forum until after my coffee.

Guess I need to sneak out the Mopac set and check it later today.

@Blue Streak posted:

Okay, apologies to the forum and 3rd rail. I miss spoke on my car "Grill Car 481" Yes it is a T&P car and funny enough mine is Labeled T&P. The car I have that is miss labeled is Baggage/ Dorm #301. It is labeled M.P. , but should be T&P, as it was a T&P car. In future I should not type on the forum until after my coffee.

Guess I need to sneak out the Mopac set and check it later today.

Yes. Full Stop until coffee !!!  
Good about the Grill Chair car.  
T&P Baggage Dorm had 2 numbers used, 300 and 301.
MP had only one Baggage Dorm (prototypical), 804.

Last edited by TrainBub

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