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Oct 2004 I took this pic of my Dad standing in the mouth of a tunnel on the Pennsy Low Grade. Medix Run, Pa:


Carved in the stonework above is "1873". PRR intended for this to be the Mainline through the Alleghenies because it was a water-level route (no steep grades requiring big power)  between Harrisburg and Pittsburgh. The problem was it was long and windy (following rivers and creeks the whole way) so the route over Horseshoe Curve became the Mainline.

In the 70s the Pentagon financed the conversion to welded rail and the lowering of tunnel floors on this line. Remember how we were going to have ICBMs on railroad cars which would be constantly moved so the Russians couldn't target them? This work was part of that project long since dropped and now lost in the mists of time.

I'm so old I remember Fallout Shelters. That little six-triangle sign on the left tunnel face. Remember how when the Soviet bombers dropped their 50 megatonners we were supposed to shelter in such places? 


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Last edited by geysergazer
JamesRx posted:
trumptrain posted:

A six pack for Saturday!IMG_9692IMG_9673IMG_9712IMG_9715IMG_9720IMG_9650

Jahn’s!!! Brings back memories from my childhood in Queens, NY. Did you customize that from an MTH building?

James - glad to hear the Jahn's photos bring back memories for you!  

The Jahns building  is stock  MTH .  I  enhanced ( I'm hesitant to call it customization ) the building by adding the Pepsi Cola sign at the front left of the building and attaching the Railway Express Agency, Lucky Strikes, Navy recruiting, and the round Zepher signs ( barely noticeable ) to side of the building.  Further enhancements are the Coke machine and Good Humor Ice Cream boxes on the front walkway.   All of these signs were refridgerator  magnets which I purchased for the purpose of using them on my layout to indicate a sense of the era ( transition ) to my layout.  

Quarter Gauger 48 posted:
geysergazer posted:

It is definitely Fall in the Berkshires:


                     IMG_3984 [1)

You sure have a great view out that window Lew'. What a pretty view you have'.. I can see the berks too, but they're not as close to the house'... as yours...

Ted, that is Mt Williams, the Northernmost peak of the Greylock Massif. Mt Greylock, the Mass Highpoint, is highest but hidden behind. That view changes every day.....and every hour.

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