Atlas O,
How about Thrall Triple 53' Articulated Well Cars in O Scale?
Pacer Stack Train and TTX would be top sellers!
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I agree.
Yes they would.
I will be in that long line of people calling to order the Thrall cars and containers.
-----Just as soon as I get over the SHOCK
Those would be nice.
Yep yep. I miss those containers from my HO scale days. These would be welcomed with open arms!
Sign me up for a few!
Im in. Atlas needs to make these....please!!!!!
Trinity RailCar still builds the Thrall Car 40-Foot Five-Unit Intermodal well cars and the 53-Foot Three-Unit Intermodal well cars. Take a look at the Trinity RailCar site.
What other intermodal companies have these cars in their fleet?
Good Day Andrew,
Has TrinityRail's changed their design on these? The sides appear to be different than the one's produced several years ago.
Two sets for me please
Are those pics you posted JINDO or CIMC? I can't see by that angle.
But since we are making requests, I'd like to specify a preference for the CIMC corrugated.
Thanks for re-kindling this topic Swafford! I'd be thrilled with either the 5-unit 40' wells or the 3-unit 53' wells. With all the smooth-sided Gunderson cars from MTH, Lionel, and Atlas, the Thrall/Trinity cars would add some diversity to our stack train appearance. I would certainly purchase multiple sets of either of these models.
Trinity RailCar still builds the Thrall Car 40-Foot Five-Unit Intermodal well cars and the 53-Foot Three-Unit Intermodal well cars. Take a look at the Trinity RailCar site.
What other intermodal companies have these cars in their fleet?
Wow, this leads to some great car info.
I would be excited for either the 5-car 40' wells, 5-car 40' end cars with 45' intermediate wells, 5-car 45' wells, or the 5-car 48' wells. The ribs on these cars and low sides look good in a train. My wife purchased me a set of 5-car 40' wells for my birthday several weeks ago. I want a few more sets now since I have these!
Awesome looking set Superpower!
Thanks for posting the pics. I think that late 80s-90s APL cars and containers are very interesting.
Those are very nice Superpower! Who made those? They look like brass--
AtlasO can barely get the stuff out they already have cataloged! It would be nice but don't count on anything new from AtlasO any time soon.
There is always hope that they will catch up and I am sure they will. From talking to Jeff at AM Hobbies/ JD's the new O Gauge guy at Atlas (Rob Pisani) will only announce product now if he has samples from what I was told. Hopefully this will speed things up.
Super Power,
Who made the cars in your post?
It would cost me a lot of money if Atlas comes out with these trinity rail cars.
Jeff, Bluestreak,
Those were imported by Pecos River Brass around 91 or 92. I thought by now Atlas would've followed up their Gunderson Twinstacks with a Thrall articulated car or a Gunderson Maxi something. Maybe Lionel will shake things up and introduce an articulated car! Who knows,they just introduced a scale autorack that is very nice and caught many of us by surprise.
If Lionel does them like the Auto Racks instead of the previous Husky Stacks I will be both disappointed and annoyed because then no one will do them decently.
If Lionel does them like the Auto Racks instead of the previous Husky Stacks I will be both disappointed and annoyed because then no one will do them decently.
The Lionel husky stacks are indeed scale. If you replace the trucks with Atlas 70 ton or maybe replace the wheel sets with NWSL 33" wheels an MTH 48' container (which is scale length) fits just fine; but the load restrictors and the IBC holes need to be moved to the correct 40/48' location. And of course the painted markings are wrong to go along with the wrong containers.
Interestingly, if you add space in the middle of the Lionel Containers to make them 40' between the IBC points you do get a very nice 48' container. If you add space between the 40' points and the ends you can make a decent smooth side 53' container; but you do use 2 to make one.
MTH Imperial and Atlas trainman may be scale but the details just don't get it.
I still don't think the Lionel Husky stacks are of scale length, but this has been covered in detail in other threads so everyone can make up their own mind.
I do agree with you that the Lionel containers are much better looking than the MTH in terms of detail, separately applied parts, etc.
But as a person who will take 1:48 scale over highly-detailed, I think it would be better if Lionel didn't take this one on.
Actually the cars are not wide. They are correct for 102" wide domestic containers as are the MTH 48' containers (the 20'/40'/45' MTH containers are 6" too wide.) The cool part about the Lionel containers is the IBC pins are the connect distance apart. The length is the only problem. You can lengthen a bunch of Lionel to the correct 40' length by sacrificing one.
I'm always looking for more Lionel containers from Husky Stacks to turn into 48' (or like the pic 53') containers.
Oh, and those inside bulkheads need to be removed. They don't have those on the prototype. The container guides are up higher on the sides of the cars.
After checking my guide I edited my post concerning the container widths, the shipping containers are the only ones restricted to the 8' width [Atlas].Neither Lionel or MTH is commited to the 2-rail market as a result they are not overly concerned with dimensional accuracy[close is good enough].
Atlas O,
How about Thrall Triple 53' Articulated Well Cars in O Scale for 2014?
Pacer Stack Train and TTX would be top sellers!
Swafford, how bout some love for National Steel Car instead? I would rather have these 3-car articulated 53 foot wells from NSC.
Swafford, always love your intermodal postings. It's about five weeks to the start of spring training, but if Atlas would do these, they would hit an instant grand slam. With the many owners/users of containers, the potential for Atlas (along with Lionel and MTH for that matter) are great.
New container schemes are showing up regularly by my house. A few examples are Werner Global, EMP's with the Mexican connection, and FedEx is now taking the MultiModal containers on line, plus Boyd Transportation in Alabama is now stacking flat beds which usually run on NS 290 from Birmingham.
If Atlas were to do these, it may blow my train budget for the year, but I could adjust.
I hate to be a Debbie Downer But I would suspect that we will see another run of twin stacks, Front runners and Intemodal flats instead
Thanks for reviving the thread Swafford! Some day your work will pay off.......I hope.
Martin could you give alittle info on the products you used to make 53' cars? I just finished my first 53' container out of styrene. Thanks.
Martin could you give alittle info on the products you used to make 53' cars? I just finished my first 53' container out of styrene. Thanks.
Thanks a lot. I really like the NSC 53ft cars. Something about those round edges. I wonder if anyone has tried to cast some 53' cars out of resin? I found info with a guy doing it in HO. By no means did it sound simple.
Atlas O,
How about Thrall Triple 53' Articulated Well Cars in O Scale for 2015?
Pacer Stack Train and TTX would be top sellers!
@Martin H posted:
Who makes the SWIFT decals used here?
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