I have put together a couple kits, they both work as expected.
I like the jumper option, simplifys some uses.
I have some questions
what is the correct jumper to use, what I have works but fits poorly
Is the Power on the board DC? if so what voltage and total amps could be supplied. I am wondering about stealing a little for other things
I understand that cap can be added to increase delay. Is there a way that the relay could be made to come on when train comes into the section, but only stay on for a set duration? Say 500 milliseconds. What I want to do is parrot a button push.
My wife has a dept 56 dancing house, to get it to dance you push a button. It would be cool if it started as a train went by. So I only need to click the relay then let go.
Otherwise these are very nice. Assembly was well documented and straight forward.
thanks everyone
Opps one more question
I soldered with rosin core solder, should I clean the board? If so how should I do it