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First,  thanks to those who responded to my UCS question.  I kind of combined a couple of the responses and got it to work.

New problem:  layout 80 % dead.   Power is 2 zws (post war, 1 KW, 1V and 1 z. The v and z power some lighting and accessories.

 Track power goes to 3 TPCs  powered by the zws and kw.  Power for tracks and switches is routed thru 6 block controllers and 6 accessory switch controllers.  After completing adding the UCS and a new bridge, I powered up the power strip and tried to address a track.  The block controllers started to click and flash and everything went dead.  Disconnected the power to the block and switch controllers

and can power up without any short indications but still no track power. 

  Questions:  If the power to the block controllers is removed,  shouldn't they pass power to whatever blocks they were programmed for before the problem?  Can I test each block controller by pulling the program/run jumper to put the unit in program mode?  I'm thinking I should be able to set all BPCs to program, then, put them back in run mode one at a time to test their operation.  Is that correct?  Any other suggestions on how to diagnose the problem?

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