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Got a new Fast Eddies, car lot, and surprised,

LED, go ok, is this just like LED, get from
Scots and things just plug it up  , or ?? ,  go ahead and Red to Positive

and black to negative ,  just like ordinary wiring ,  get excited, and dont hit my head getting up ! &

Nothing,  this is a 1st LED , accessory , Is there a special trick ???



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When 1 is adding a new, LED ACCESSORY, combined with

all ,  older, PW, red and black, wire older accessories,

IS THERE , something different that must be done, to get lights

to come ON,  ? since they did not under normal wiring !!

 put ON seperate circuit ? buy something related to LED wiring?

John and Jim are both correct. The details matter.

However, since you are running old PW accessories, they usually ran on AC, the LED needs DC.

Get a 1/4 watt Diode with a 50V standoff rating and put in line to the LED, with the marked end pointed away from the positive connection for the LED item.


hopefully you didn't already damage the LED with too much reverse voltage.

If this came with lights in it I am surprised it didn't have a diode in line with the LED to start with.

Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

Well, if we knew what accessory it was, we could probably give a lot more information.

He did give that info it is Fast Eddies,used car lot,  it,s a Lionel Building with two

Led roof lamps but I was unable to locate the directions or wiring diagram,online.

Looks pretty straight forward, lights only no animation,

Fast Eddies


Images (1)
  • Fast Eddies
Last edited by Jim Teeple

the product code is on the box, internet search as it is a Kline by Lionel,

you can not see anything in the roof, as the wires come directly out.

Pushing every thing with a PW,  ZW-275  and a V-150 also,  have moved some

accessories, over to the V, and have 1 full access. terminal open,

thinking about keeping it for LEDs, since I have just got some from Evan Design,

guess I 'll got to Radio Shk, and do the diode suggestion from , Mr Russell


I tried to find it too and was unsuccessful. Has Lionel used any LEDs in their accessories? Seems to me that if they did, they would have added their own diodes so that you could hook it up to AC which runs everything else they have made. I was really trying to find if the lights are in fact LEDs but no luck.



there are a lot of individuals, on this forum, many only review
certain area, there is nothing wrong with getting as many views,as
possible,  I only freqent 2-4 areas of my interest or problem, and I certainly'
do not have the talent of many on here,  just looking for an answer as frustration
has set in and tis the reason for my attaching the only instruction sheet,
which has LED <; on it TWICE


Brand daggum new,  from  a nice NJ dealer,

and the NINE VOLT BATTERY, WORKS !!!!!!!!!!!


do I go get that diode thing Mr Russell says, OR what

just would like to get 2 feet over to transf  V-150,  i think I'll start

a seperate accessory post, on it,  and would you folks suggest getting anything

at the train show , FLETCHER,NC, another  

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