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HI, I know MTH made some Superliner RTR sets with Bi-level passenger cars.

I've also been inside a CNW bi-level (superliner? or is that term copyrighted by Amtrak?) passenger car at the IRM. (Maybe one of these: ?)

Did anyone make a RTR set with these bi-level (/hi-level/gallery) passenger cars -- in O-31 -- other than MTH's Amtrak set from 2002?

The only MTH CNW bi-level car I could find (20-6658) is O-42, which is too big.  I seem to recall than K-Line made some CNW bi-level cars, but they were not in a RTR set.

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Superliner is a term used in the real world for the bilevel cars that Amtrak runs. MTH has done them both 18" Premier (O-42) and 15" Railking (O-31) although neither are truly scale. They offered them in a small handful of fantasy schemes such as Cascades. CNW and Metra used the Gallery style cars where the doors are in the middle. I know MTH did the 18" offering and K Line did a true scale 21" car but I don't think a Railking version was ever done. Regardless of size, all are hard to come by these days and command high prices.

@paulp575 posted:

Golden Gate Depot is currently offering some Superliners in several different Amtrak paint schemes (phases):

I just ordered a set of 5 in Phase VI scheme. To me they seem a bit pricey at $350 each, but I've wanted these for years.

The OP is looking for cars that run on O31, unless GGD has really changed their offerings, we're way off base with this suggestion!

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