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My layout is 18x30 all industrial.All factories,yards everything is lit up like Yanke stadium.I power track with 2 parallel ZW's.Have misc transformers to power lites but it is not enough power not even close.Should I buy 2 180w bricks for my track power and use the ZW's for lites etc.?I like to run 4 trains at once somtimes five w/lit passenger cars.The ZW's throw off ALOT of heat when running trains.

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If you are paralleling the ZWs literally,be careful to set the voltages exactly the same,otherwise they can back feed into each other resulting in damage.


Converting to LED lighting is also a good idea. Great for building lighting,however I have a lot of PW lamp posts on my layout which would not look good with LEDs in them.


I use the outdoor lighting transformers. I have 3, 600 watt ones. I divide them into 6 circuits fused with 10 amp fuses. This makes it easier to trace a short somewhere. The ones I have,Hampton Bay have an excellent breaker which trips before a fuse blows.


The LED strips are designed for 12VDC in so all that would be needed to use them is a rectifier in each building or make a DC buss with a single rectifier for all LEDs. I also use individual LEDs mounted on fish paper. Irregular shaped lighting strips can be made this way. Shown here is a basic circuit


Dale H



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