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Newbie here.  I can't believe I'm having such a problem but I am.  The specifics are, I'm simply trying to hook two Lockons to my first train board and can't seem to make it work.  I've tried to "daisy chain" the two together and as an alternative also to hook both of them directly to the transformer (1033).   This should be a snap either way but when I hook them up together (either daisy chained or to the binding posts directly)  both of them do not work YET when I test them independently (in other words, one Lockon at a time) both of them work!   I have the wires in the same locations on the bindings posts for both tests so it's not a matter of having them incorrectly wired.

I'm using 14 gauge wire for both so wire size shouldn't be a problem.  Any suggestions?

Last edited by windhund42
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Just so I understand what you see, you have 2 lock-ons connected to a loop of track each on a different track section.  No power to the track anywhere.  Remove one of the lock-ons without touching the other and you have power everywhere on the track.  Place the 2nd lock-on back on the track section where it had been removed, remove the the other lock-on and you again have power everywhere on the track.  Is that what you observe?  How are you checking for track power?  You may have a few dead track sections.  I am assuming you don't have a meter to be able to test continuity.  How about a piece of rolling stock that has a light?  If you push it around the track you would see if there was a continuity break in the track somewhere.

Hard to believe but now it's working and sorry to trouble you fine people .  I can't explain it other than a rewired everything and daisy chained the two lockons together.  But I did that many times before posting without success since I did not want to bother this forum with such a simplistic question until I was sure I had no answers.   It's funny really, like feeling better the day you're supposed to go to the doctor! 

With the transformer connecticut, to check voltage, choose the AC volts setting and touch one meter lead to the center rail and the other to the outer rail.  Check the voltage at each track setting.  If you are testing continuity or using the Ohm scale, you need to have the power to the track OFF.

Thanks everyone.  I just can't say enough about what a great website this is.  I've learned so much as I attempt to reacquaint myself with the trains that I loved as a boy in the 60's (I had a Marx).  Now I have Lionels (plus I still have the Marx set) that I inherited.   I'm truly grateful.   What makes train collecting in my opinion "The World's Greatest Hobby" is not the trains alone, it's the people who share a passion for keeping the hobby alive.

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