I'm curious if the Class A will be talked about in the catalog broadcast in regards to the steam turret being covered for the excursion version, but being uncovered for other versions? BigJim contacted Ryan about this a bit ago after seeing some of the pictures on the Class A post from York pictures.
If you have no idea exactly what I'm talking about, don't worry, I didn't know what it was all about until BigJim explained. During 1218's service, it had gotten a cover over the steam turret only for a little bit and put back on(I believe) for a bit during the excursion runs. Ryan had told Jim that the catalog art was already done so it won't be shown with the details that should be there(for the other models).
So I'm just curious if Ryan will touch on this subject a bit while discussing the model in the catalog. I do know that Ryan has done similar things when noting differences between versions of the same engine.
I'm extremely curious as to what will be offered to go with these Class A's as one would expect some coal hoppers, and for the excursion version some sort of passenger cars. I'm not going for the excursion version, so I have a raised eyebrow on this particular topic.
That being said guys, why yack about prices? I guess to stay on topic, you could say you "wish for lower prices'. Now back to our regularly scheduled program.