The latest thing I caught today on this subject is that ERR was "promoting older technology" - true enough, but that older technology was also a better technology. The organic de-bugging process of age and experience do make for improvements, and TMCC, as a tool for enjoying your hobby, is superior to Legacy, DCS and - certainly - DCC. (I've never talked to a DCC user, regardless of scale, who actually liked the stuff. One I exposed to TMCC - and he said that he had no idea that command control could be fun.) The CV's are good - to a point. But there are now 200 of them, I think...?
TMCC works. It just does, It's friendly, stable, durable, and elegantly simple to use and understand. It is easy to install. It is, in reality, cheap.
I saw one of the full DCS manuals when it first came out. It looked like something from Microsoft (so thick). I looked at my TMCC manual. 1/4", maybe - and the "getting started" version (only one I typically needed) was a pamphlet. A pamphlet! I only used the "big" one for the lash-up directions.
ERR is causing guys like me to freshen up old stuff rather than buy new stuff, certainly. Mostly because that's where so many desirable pieces are: suffering with PS1 boards, or E-units. Hate to tell 'em, but this decision to kill the best technological deal in town (monetarily and functionally) will not cause me to buy any new Lionel (or other) product. Of course, it will do just the opposite. This will not move me to Legacy or anything else.
TMCC does what I want. The CAB-1 has only a few buttons (I won't even mess with a CAB-2; so busy, so ugly...). Good. CAB-1 has no display screen. Good; I know what I'm doing. Forget the engine # you entered? Put a Post-it Note on it, for Pete's sake.
My command base has never failed; my CAB-1 is 20+ years old with an antenna that won't even retract all the way. It's dirty. It seldom needs batteries. They - the control equipment and the locos with the boards - all live in a building that is only heated/cooled when I'm out there. TMCC tolerates dirty track, which the "D's" (DCS/DCC) do not. It's the old radio control aircraft idea. Proven.
But, this is 2018. Common sense - from both sellers and buyers - is a rare thing. Probably going to be a collectable itself, one day.