Dear Gentlemen and ladies
Here is my next project and I am looking for guidance. I have already spoke to rtr12 off the forum but I want to bring into the forum. He has been very helpful with his suggestions and comments but I need the broad analyses of what the new project will in tail. See below Reader Digest Condensed version of what I am trying to do:
Since my layout is carpet layout and adding these meter would add to the boxes and wiring on the floor, I was think of consolidating some of these electronic boxes into one bigger project box and eliminate some of the wiring and project boxes. Here is my thinking on the voltage and amp meter project. Building voltage and amp meter system to incorporate the TVS and fast acting circuit breakers into the system. Since I am building this new project box I might as well add the bell and horn switch into the system to the Postwar ZW only. Here are my transformer list, ZW-C volt and amp meter only. postwar ZW placing the Ms. Beats and GRJ design for the horn and bell with the voltage and amp meter, 2 KW, MTH 4000 voltage and amp only and a 1033 with everything. I now think maybe this system should be a control panel type instead of a project box design. Have one large control panel where the transformer plug in on one side and on the other side the power goes to the various tracks and accessories. This control panel will have what I said above and room for expansion.
Here is the list of parts I was thinking of using:
3 1/2 Blue LCD Digital Volt Panel Meter AC 200V Item number 390221407367
DC/AC- DC LM317 Adjustable Voltage Regulator Step-down Power Supply Module Board Item number 390913313901
Digital Electrical Ammeter Gauge AC 0~20A Current Panel Meter LCD Monitor+Shunt
I can I use the DC/AC- DC LM317 Adjustable Voltage Regulator Step-down Power Supply Module Board to power both the voltage and amp meter? Do I need multiples or just one to power multiples of the DC/AC- DC LM317 Adjustable Voltage Regulator Step-down Power Supply Module Board power one control panel?
The TVS and fast acting circuit breakers I already have and I am plan on salvaging them and incorporating them into the control panel. That part of the control panel I have down pat.
Attached is a diagram of the part of the plan what am I missing?
Also if anyone built this type of control panel what are the dims and what material did you use?
The reason why the meters are digital, I HATE wearing my reading glasses and digital is easier to ready than a meter.
Any guidance, suggestion or idea would be greatly appreciated.