Good afternoon fellow O Gaugers. I've been putting this off for some time and I believe it's now time to let you all in on what's going on here in Ohio. After moving "back Home" (sort of, Home is still over an hour away, but I'm close to my family) 2 years ago, it was my intention to build a nice large layout in the basement. The house we bought was perfect for my layout. In the winter of 2022, I posted requesting some help in planning a layout for the basement. A member here emailed me and we started a very long conversation. To make a long story short, Here is a copy of the plan I settled on.
There is a small loop on the right side. This was requested so I had somewhere to run my Dad's American Flyer 4-8-4. I grow up playing with this train and it brings back some very fond memories.

I did some searching on the internet for benchwork and found some I liked. I then proceeded to build my own with some modiications.
I used 5-ply Birch plywood from Menards to build the entire structure. I had a pile of 1/2" OSB, so that got used for the decking, and finally, I put on a layer of 1/2" sound deadening fiberboard.

The roundhouse end of the layout was expanded to be 2 full 4x8 sections with another 20" in the middle. The roundhouse base will be inlayed into the fiberboard so the gargraves track will be flush. And YES, I will be using Fastrack. I was able to accumulate a large amount of used track and switches. I don't mind the clickty-clack of the wheels and when I run my SD70 UP 9096, the noise of the engine is fairly non-existant. As a side note, the main portion of the room has pencil drawings of trains by Stewart S. Buck. These were given to me by a firefighter friend before we left Oregon.

All of the wiring will be run through the 1" holes that I drilled throughout the benchwork. I still have three more sections to build to complete this half on the framing. I'll be attending the York Train Show for the first time this year and look forward to getting the rest of the track I need to complete at least this half of the layout.

And finally, the loop is only temporary so I can at least run some trains during the upcoming holiday season. There will be a series of bridges that will link the two halves of the layout together. This was done so the wife and I would be able to egress the basment through the window if we needed to in an emergency. I have made a few track plan changes and hopefully they'll work out.
Until next time...