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Have been toying with the idea of a GN15 layout & have now converted a Faller battery loco to be my G scale loco running on HO track.

Still work in progress just need to finish off the tender. The black one is the Iron Duke that arrived today and have been

adding a few detailing parts.James 

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trying to understand your notation, treating HO track (0.65" gauge) as if it were 15" gauge would yield a scale of ~1:23.  is that what you are shooting for?


you might try a lower case 'N' to be a little more consistent with other narrow notation as in HOn3, On30 or in your case, ...Gn15.  at first i thought this post was of Great Northern interest.


as much as i hate using the 'G' notation in reference to any scale, i'll have to admit it's probably most forgivable when referring to original LGB which has been estimated to be in the ~1:23-24 scale range.


cheers for taking on a nontraditional modeling challenge.


Most Gn15 layouts are patterned after small gauge railways located within the grounds of an industry such as a gravel pit or other mining operations, etc. But, an amusement park attraction would be another good prototype to model.


My favorite Gn15 layout was based on an actual 15" gauge line some railroad buff built to transport items from his driveway in front of his house out to a shed in his backyard.


He laid rails and built a small gondola pushed by hand. One stop was at his back door for groceries and the next and final stop was the shed out back. Then he built a model railroad of this prototype road in his basement in Gn15!!!



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